PMR Preview: Kim Buchanan

Welcome back to our PMR Preview, where we're spotlighting Kim Buchanan. Kim is a corporate chef who is in charge of our new Memphis, Tennessee, test kitchen. With a breadth of culinary experience, Kim will be helping our customers achieve their goals to create more efficient and profitable kitchens.

We sat down with Chef Kim to get to know her. Here's what we found out:

Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you wind up at PMR?

I have lived in Memphis for over 20 years, but I am originally from the Philadelphia area in the north. My family consists of my husband of 12 years, my 10-year-old son, and an ever-growing list of pets. I wound up at PMR a little over two years ago when I beat Mike Whitten to the bar after my group interview in Chattanooga.

What do you enjoy most about working at PMR?

I love having a great wealth of knowledge and experience to pull from and being able to rely on my teammates.

What excites you most about your job?

Learning about new technologies and advancements and applying them to make someone’s job better or easier.

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the restaurant industry today?

Training and retaining skilled workers.

Are there any current trends in foodservice that stand out to you?

Smaller, less formal, approachable menus.

Where do you see the future of the industry headed?

Automation. To help remove the mundane, repetitive tasks so skills can be focused and utilized more effectively – also helping staff to grow.

What is your favorite restaurant, and why?

Whatever restaurant the kid will eat a full meal at. I’m a working mom.

chef kim buchanan

What are some of your passions outside of work?

Napping. And Crushing Candy – I’m on level 8401!

Who are your biggest influences?

My mother. She is a dual-degree achiever, Sahara Desert trekker, Antarctic explorer, and a grandmother of four!!!

What is the one item you can’t leave home without?

Icy cup of Memphis’ finest tap water.

Where did you grow up? Any interesting places you’ve lived throughout your life?

I grew up outside of Philadelphia. I went to culinary school in New York in an old, converted Jesuit Monastery. 

What is your favorite vacation destination?

Anywhere warm with water!

What’s at the top of your bucket list?

Experience the Northern Lights!

Thanks for spending some time with us, Chef Kim!

Ready to work with the PMR team to find solutions that will make your businesses run more efficiently? Schedule some time to come into our test kitchen and find the best equipment for your needs. 

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