PMR Preview: Sergio Tweten

It's time again for our PMR Preview, where we sit down with one of our team members and get to know them a little better. This month we're talking to one of our new Smallwares Specialists, Sergio Tweten. Sergio has been working in the foodservice business for over a decade and has a lot of experience to share. 

Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you wind up at PMR?

I was born and grew up in El Salvador, (then) made my way to France for my Master’s Degree before ending up coming to the USA in late 2021. I have worked in one way or another in the restaurant industry for the past 12 years, and when the opportunity presented itself to join PMR, I took it without hesitation.

What do you enjoy most about working at PMR?

The internal organization of tasks and the people I work with. Everyone has been extremely welcoming and has made me feel immediately like part of the team.

How did you get started in the foodservice industry?

I started in back-of-the-house duties, mainly as a food expo/runner and sometimes as a line cook.

What excites you most about your job?

No single day is alike. There is always something different that comes up and makes you look forward to (going) to work.

Where do you see the future of the industry headed?

Price of goods, labor, and rent.

What is your favorite restaurant, and why?

Marcel (which is) more of a special occasion spot, but I love steak, and they definitely make the best steak and have the best service in the city, in my opinion.

What are some of your passions outside of work?

Soccer. I am a big sports fan, but I would say soccer is my main passion.

So, who would your favorite sports be?

Barcelona and Arsenal in soccer, and the Minnesota Vikings in the NFL.

If you could pick three dinner guests, living or dead, who would they be, and why?

My two brothers and my mother. Seeing that we all live thousands of miles apart, it has been many years since we’ve all been able to sit and have a meal all together at the same time.

What's one item you can't leave home without?

My cellphone. 

What's your favorite vacation destination?

Italy has so much to offer that you could plan a single vacation for each individual region.

What’s at the top of your bucket list?

To experience the northern lights in person. 

Sergio, thanks so much for sharing your story with us. And welcome to the PMR team!

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